What is AWS EKS? Exploring the Differences Between EKS and EC2 for Your Business Success

Introduction to AWS EKS


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In today's competitive business environment, companies are increasingly turning to cloud computing services to help scale and optimize their operations. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading provider of cloud computing solutions, offering a wide range of services to help businesses build and manage their applications in the cloud. One such service is the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), which is designed to help businesses run containerized applications using Kubernetes, a popular open-source container orchestration platform. But what is AWS EKS, and how does it differ from other AWS services like Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)?

In this blog article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of AWS EKS, exploring its key features, and discuss the differences between EKS and EC2. We will also examine the pros and cons of using EKS for your business, as well as various use cases and scenarios where EKS can be a valuable addition to your technology stack. If you are considering adopting AWS EKS for your business, this article will serve as a valuable resource to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Kubernetes and Its Role in AWS EKS

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as k8s, is an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Containers are lightweight, portable, and provide a consistent environment for applications to run, making them an ideal solution for businesses looking to optimize their infrastructure and reduce operational overhead. Kubernetes provides a powerful set of tools and abstractions for managing containers, making it easier for developers and operations teams to deploy and manage applications at scale.

AWS EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that enables you to run and manage containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS. With EKS, you can leverage the power of Kubernetes without the operational complexity of managing the Kubernetes control plane, which is the set of components that manage the overall state of your Kubernetes cluster. AWS EKS provides a highly available, secure, and scalable Kubernetes control plane, enabling you to focus on building and deploying your containerized applications.

Key Features of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) offers several key features aimed at making it easier for businesses to run and manage containerized applications on AWS. Some of these features include:

  1. Managed Kubernetes control plane : EKS automatically manages the Kubernetes control plane, ensuring high availability, security, and scalability. This means you don't have to worry about managing the Kubernetes masters, which can be a complex and time-consuming process.

  2. Integration with AWS services : EKS is fully integrated with various AWS services, such as Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon RDS, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). This makes it easy to use these services alongside your Kubernetes workloads.

  3. Support for hybrid deployments : AWS EKS supports hybrid deployments, allowing you to run Kubernetes workloads on both AWS and on-premises infrastructure. This offers businesses the flexibility to choose the best environment for their workloads and enables a smooth transition to the cloud.

  4. Security and compliance : EKS is built on the secure foundation of AWS, and it is compliant with various industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. This ensures that your containerized applications are protected and meet the required compliance standards.

The Differences Between AWS EKS and EC2

While both AWS EKS and EC2 are services offered by Amazon Web Services, they serve different purposes and have some key differences. EC2, or Elastic Compute Cloud, is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It allows you to run virtual machines (instances) on AWS infrastructure, giving you complete control over the underlying compute resources.

On the other hand, EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that enables you to run containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS. EKS abstracts away the management of the Kubernetes control plane, allowing you to focus on deploying and managing your containerized applications.

Some of the key differences between EKS and EC2 include:

  1. Compute model : EC2 uses a virtual machine-based compute model, while EKS is built on top of Kubernetes, a container orchestration platform.

  2. Management and operations : With EC2, you are responsible for managing the underlying instances, including patching, monitoring, and scaling. EKS, on the other hand, automates the management of the Kubernetes control plane, simplifying operations and reducing operational overhead.

  3. Application deployment : EC2 relies on traditional deployment methods, such as deploying applications directly onto instances or using AWS services like Elastic Beanstalk. With EKS, you deploy applications using Kubernetes manifests and can leverage the full power of the Kubernetes ecosystem.

  4. Scaling : EC2 instances can be scaled manually or using Auto Scaling groups, while EKS leverages Kubernetes' built-in scaling capabilities, such as horizontal pod autoscaling and cluster autoscaling.

Pros and Cons of Using EKS for your Business

Before deciding whether to adopt AWS EKS for your business, it's essential to consider the pros and cons associated with using the service. Here are some key advantages and disadvantages of implementing EKS:


  1. Simplified operations : EKS simplifies the management of Kubernetes clusters by automating the control plane, reducing the operational overhead associated with running Kubernetes.

  2. Integration with AWS services : EKS is deeply integrated with various AWS services, making it easy to use these services alongside your Kubernetes workloads.

  3. Support for hybrid deployments : EKS supports hybrid deployments, allowing businesses to run Kubernetes workloads on both AWS and on-premises infrastructure.

  4. Improved security and compliance : EKS is built on the secure foundation of AWS and is compliant with various industry standards and regulations, ensuring the security and compliance of your containerized applications.


  1. Cost : EKS can be more expensive than running Kubernetes on EC2 instances, especially for smaller workloads. However, the ease of management and reduced operational overhead may offset these costs for some businesses.

  2. Learning curve : While Kubernetes is a powerful and flexible platform, it has a steep learning curve. Adopting EKS may require upskilling your development and operations teams to become proficient with Kubernetes.

EKS Use Cases and Scenarios

AWS EKS is suitable for a wide range of use cases and scenarios, including:

  1. Microservices : EKS is an excellent platform for running microservices, as it provides a robust and scalable environment for deploying and managing containerized applications.

  2. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) : EKS integrates with various CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, and AWS CodePipeline, making it easy to automate the build, test, and deployment of your applications.

  3. Data processing and analytics : EKS can be used to run data processing and analytics workloads, such as Apache Spark, Flink, or TensorFlow, taking advantage of the scalability and flexibility offered by Kubernetes.

  4. Machine learning : EKS supports running machine learning workloads using tools like TensorFlow and Kubeflow, making it easy to deploy and manage machine learning models at scale.

  5. Hybrid cloud : EKS supports hybrid cloud deployments, enabling businesses to run Kubernetes workloads on both AWS and on-premises infrastructure, providing flexibility and choice.

  6. High availability and fault tolerance : EKS provides a highly available and fault-tolerant environment for running containerized applications, making it an excellent choice for applications that require high availability and resilience.

Kubernetes Reference, k8s Endpoints, and Kubernetes Conditions

When working with AWS EKS, it's essential to have a good understanding of Kubernetes concepts, such as Kubernetes reference, k8s endpoints, and Kubernetes conditions.

Kubernetes reference is a set of resources that define the Kubernetes API objects, such as Pods, Deployments, and Services. These API objects are used to define the desired state of your application and manage the lifecycle of your containerized applications.

Kubernetes endpoints are objects that represent a set of network addresses for a service. They are used to route traffic to the correct pods in a Kubernetes cluster and provide load balancing and failover capabilities.

Kubernetes conditions are a set of flags that describe the current state of a Kubernetes object. They are used to communicate the status of a resource to the Kubernetes API server and can be used to trigger actions based on the current state of the object.

Cloud Agnostic with EKS

One of the significant advantages of using AWS EKS is that it is cloud-agnostic, meaning that you can run your containerized applications on any cloud platform that supports Kubernetes. This is because EKS uses standard Kubernetes APIs, making it easy to port your workloads to other Kubernetes-based platforms.

This cloud-agnostic approach provides businesses with greater flexibility and choice, enabling them to choose the best cloud platform for their specific needs. It also reduces the risk of vendor lock-in, as businesses are not tied to a specific cloud provider.

Pricing and Cost Considerations for EKS

Pricing for AWS EKS is based on the number and type of resources you use, such as EC2 instances, EBS volumes, and networking. EKS also charges a management fee of $0.10 per hour for each EKS cluster you create.

The cost of using EKS can vary significantly depending on your workload, the size of your cluster, and the number of resources you use. For smaller workloads, it may be more cost-effective to run Kubernetes on EC2 instances, while larger workloads may benefit from the ease of management and scalability provided by EKS.

When considering the cost of using EKS, it's essential to factor in the cost savings associated with reduced operational overhead and simplified management of Kubernetes clusters.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Service for Your Business Needs

In conclusion, AWS EKS is an excellent choice for businesses looking to run containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS. EKS provides a highly available, secure, and scalable Kubernetes control plane, enabling businesses to focus on deploying and managing their containerized applications.

While EKS may be more expensive than running Kubernetes on EC2 instances, the ease of management and reduced operational overhead may offset these costs for some businesses. EKS is also cloud-agnostic, providing businesses with greater flexibility and choice when it comes to choosing a cloud platform.

When deciding whether to adopt AWS EKS for your business, it's essential to consider your workload, the size of your cluster, and the number of resources you use. If you are looking for a scalable, flexible, and easy-to-use platform for running containerized applications, AWS EKS may be the right choice for your business.

If you're still unsure about whether EKS is the right choice for your business, schedule a free consultation with one of our AWS experts today. We can help you evaluate your options and make an informed decision about the best cloud computing solution for your specific needs.

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